The Entrance
Relaxing scents are appropriate to aid in calming patients in stressful situations caused by pre-surgery, dental surgery, and in blood clinics.
Hospitals and clinics can now complete the welcome experience for their patients.
The use of scent is particularly important for medical practice marketing solutions. It is recognized that scent reduces patient's stress, so it also reduces cancellations and increases profitability for doctors and medical practices, so is a great option to assist with Medical & Doctors marketing.
Relaxing scents are appropriate to aid in calming patients in stressful situations caused by pre-surgery, dental surgery, and in blood clinics.
in medical practice marketing
Relaxing scents reduce patient’s stress and have a beneficial effect on irritation, depression and apathy.
Scents enhance the positive factors of happiness, sensuality, relaxation and stimulation.
The use of scent reduces cancellations and increases profitability for medical & dental practices.
Scenting helps to eliminate or neutralize unpleasant odors in Doctors & Medical Practice waiting rooms.
Scents can be used to treat malodours in Doctors & Medical Practice waiting rooms & clinics, and has antibacterial properties.
Scent is a new and unique marketing idea for medical practices to help them to stand out from the crowd!